Orzone provides higher education services for Universities and Organization. We have a range of tools starting with structured courses, digital exams to advanced medical simulations.​ Orzone partners with medical societies, hospitals, universities, and other healthcare stakeholders.
We provide solutions that improve the knowledge skills and professionalism of students, accelerating them on their path from student to recognized expert.
Redefining the Way
We Move
We came from medical simulation, trying to squeeze our systems into a place in the existing education systems.
We ended up creating an education system instead, bringing our new technology into the formula.
12 years of expericence into our system refining them, to the education platform Ortrac we have today
Still developing
Our Journey So Far
Orzone contributing to one of the Largest and most complex medical specialist examination
to this date
1500 participants
23 countries
95 center
10 languages
Duration 3 hours
Exam divided in parts
120 randomized questions
True/False questions
140.000 answers
Online review after exam